Cinderella – Brief Summary

As children most of our life lessons were acquired through the simplicity of fair tales. Subliminal messages taught us to always believe in true love and that good wins out over evil. Young and naïve, as children, all we desired was a good story and a nap, but the lessons we learned lasted a lifetime. Growing up my beloved fairy tale was Cinderella, not only does true love win but good wins over evil and eventually the world is set right.
Once upon a time in a kingdom far away, lived a beautiful girl and her frail father. Fearing he would leave his young daughter an orphan he married a young widow, soon after he brought his bride and two daughters to live with him on his manor. Almost exactly a year later he past away in his sleep leaving his entire household behind. His young daughter Cinderella wept for three years without delay and when she wiped her tears away she found her self a sixteen year old servant in her own home.
Daily life was much the same she waited on Heather and Kim, her stepsisters, and satisfied her stepmothers every whim. Mundane and downright boring, Cinderella had amazingly evolved into a beautiful and charming young woman. Being as meek as a mouse and having a voice as sweet as honey Cinderella was loved by everyone she encountered except her own family, who’s envy leaked from their pores.

One dazzling spring morning, Cinderella awoke to a great commotion.
“The prince is having a ball, the prince is having a ball,” Heather screeched and they all squealed with delight. Quietly standing in the shadows Cinderella timidly asked, “ Stepmother may I go to the ball?” “Well I suppose, if you get this house immaculately clean and mind your manners until then,” snapped her stepmother. Floating with anticipation, Cinderella cleaned her heart out over the next few weeks with a smile on her face.

In the crystal clear of the night the stars shone so brilliantly that they looked as if they winked at anyone who dared to look. Utter chaos inside the manor house would only describe the squeals of excitement combined with dresses, combs and make-up that could be found far and wide. Deep deep in the bottom of the house was a wine cellar and in that cellar Cinderella was held prisoner. When she heard the last of the screeching she began to cry, thinking to herself that if only she could go to the ball she could meet the prince.
Poof! Magically a shimmering woman appeared singing, “I am you fairy godmother and I will save you child, just put on a smile and I will do the rest. Spin three times and close your eyes.” When Cinderella did this she found herself out side in front of a stunning carriage wearing a pale blue gown that swept along the ground as if it were dancing.

“How can I ever thank you Godmother?” asked Cinderella.
“Just make sure you are back before the clock strikes mid-night, for then what is done will be undone.”
With that Cinderella hurried off to the ball where her destiny awaited her.
Pale moonlight engulfed the palace giving it an eerie tint. Rushing along Cinderella made her way into the ballroom and into the arms of the most charming Prince she had ever met. They danced the night away just laughing and talking and making the face of every girl green with jealously. Then suddenly the clock began to chime and Cinderella rushed off as quickly as she had arrived, this time with the Prince close at her heals. Slipping off her foot her glass slipper was the only proof the prince had that she was real as her carriage galloped away.

Scouring the countryside the Prince fitted the slipper to every woman he saw but his search seemed fruitless. The last house he came to was a midsize manor in great-disrepair, inside he found four women. Shoving and scratching to go first Heather tried on the slipper, to small. Then Kim tried but her fat feet were much too wide. Next Stepmother insisted she be fitted with the shoe fortunately it was too large. Finally Cinderella got her long awaited turn, she gingerly sat down and tried on the shoe. Perfect fit!

Taking her in his arms the Prince proposed and Cinderella accepted. They were married shortly after in a small private ceremony. Cruel and unfair the step family cleaned up after the royal hounds for the rest of their days. As for Cinderella and her prince of course the lived happily ever after.